MidLife: A Women’s Circle

A circle for women* who need space to breathe.

You feel ground down by other people’s needs

Your body is changing

Your emotions are all over the place


You long for a space to just stop.

To tell the truth

To be heard and hear others

To know you’re not alone.

That’s me. That’s how I feel. And I know I’m not the only one.

This circle exists so we can gather in support of each other and ourselves. I want you to feel nourished and replenished in a way that I know only circles can offer.

Who is ‘MidLife: A Womens Circle’ for?

MidLife: A Women's Circle is for those of us feeling overburdened, overlooked and undervalued. Those of us who have had enough of society’s bullshit and want a place to be honest – with ourselves and each other.

We might have childcare responsibilities, and/or responsibilities for ageing family members. We might have responsibilities at work that weigh heavily. We might be experiencing perimenopause and menopause symptoms, and negotiating what that means for us.

We might have none of these things currently at play, but be sick of the messages society has for women in their forties and fifties.

It’s midLife with a capital ‘L’ to help us remember how to Live. To connect with what that alive feeling means for us.

This circle will help us let go of other people’s expectations. It is a place we can speak freely, and know that we are worthy just as we are, whatever else is going on

 What is a circle?

A circle is a gathering in which people come together to share and listen. It creates a wisdom that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Within the circle you are safe to be yourself, however you show up in that moment. You are free to vent, listen, explore.

A circle is not a therapy session, or a class. We do not teach each other or offer solutions. But we do end up enriching each other and learning from what each of us brings.

Nor is a circle a friendship group, it is set apart from usual bonds. All members are welcomed equally, on their terms. The sessions follow a gentle, but consistent rhythm. This makes circles uniquely safe and liberating when it comes to saying what you need to say, or hearing what you need to hear.

What happens at MidLife?

Each session lasts two hours. There are a maximum of nine of us in Circle each time.

We begin with a welcome and check-in. There will be a theme to guide our discussion, but this isn’t a boot camp, the conversation goes where it needs to! There is usually a gently creative or therapeutic activity. There is cake!

There is never any pressure to share. Voice and quiet are equally valued. You come as you are. You are enough as you are.

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.

Diane Mariechild

How do I get involved?


MidLife circle happens once a month, at a Pilates studio in York, from 2.30-4.30pm. Our forthcoming dates are:

28th September

26th October

23rd November

21st December



Just message me via the contact form to check availability or ask questions.

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